Semiconductor • Electronics
Enter the core of modern electronics, where semiconductors reign supreme, driving innovation across diverse electronic devices and systems.
Power Electronics
Explore the realm of power management and control with technologies like IGBT, MOSFET, SiC, and SMPS, driving efficiency and performance in various applications
LED • OLED • Lighting • Laser Diodes • Optics • Optoelectronics • Photonics • Vacuum & Thin Film technologies
Illuminate your understanding of light-based technologies, spanning LED, OLED, laser diodes, optics, and photonics, along with vacuum and thin film technologies, shaping modern lighting and optical systems.
MEMS • Sensors
Delve into the world of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and sensors, enabling precise sensing and actuation in a plethora of devices and systems.
Capital Equipment • Semiconductor Manufacturing • Complex Machinery • Assembly • Test & Measurement
Dive into the world of capital equipment and complex machinery, powering semiconductor manufacturing and facilitating precise assembly, alongside cutting-edge test and measurement technologies.
Industrial Automation: Servo Drives • Motion Control • Robotics
Discover the backbone of modern manufacturing and automation with servo drives and motion control systems, revolutionizing industrial processes with precision and efficiency.
Components • Connectors
Explore the building blocks of technology, with components and connectors serving as the vital links in intricate electronic systems.
Wireless RF
Delve into the world of wireless RF (Radio Frequency) technologies, driving connectivity and communication across various applications and industries.
Data Storage • Memory products
Unveil the technologies shaping the digital age, from data storage solutions to memory products, fueling the ever-growing demand for storing and accessing information.
Automotive • Industrial • Consumer • Medical • Telecommunications • Artificial Intelligence • Machine Learning • Cyber Security
Embark on a journey through diverse industries, from automotive to telecommunications, exploring the technologies shaping our modern world across various sectors.